Thursday, May 8, 2008


I have really been watching a lot of indy movies. I recently watched Four Eyed Monsters. I posted about the project yesterday. If you haven't checked it out go to and check out the online videos and then check out the movie. I'm wanting to go out to Sundance Film Festival this year. I have my cousin Lisa who lives in the town that it takes place. So, Lisa, CALL ME!

I've also picked up the new Death Cab for Cutie album and I really like the full version of "I Will Posses Your Heart". I like how Jammy it is. Yes, 'Jammy', is a new word. Suck it.

Games I want to get this year.
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Mario Cart
Ghost Squad

I'm going to sell two of my mountianboards and a paintball gun for an electric drum kit. I've always wanted to play. I used to mess around with Grant's (my little brothers) drum and I want to start again and try and get better. I don't know what I'll do with that or where I'll go but I think it will be fun.

Alright off to bed.
