Sunday, May 18, 2008


I've decided to cancel my photo blog. I'm a simple guy and can really only pay attention to one thing at a time. Just ask my wife. So yeah. But hey I took the look from the deleted blog and decide to use it here. Enjoy and let me know what you all think.

Here's something random. I called my friend Caleb (whom I met in HI) tonight cause I haven't talked to him in a while. Well Caleb didn't answer but my friend Noah answered, also from Hawaii. So I got to talk to two friend's that, I didn't think knew each other. Oh and I also got to talk to Teresa, another friend from HI. Kinda like a mini reunion.

So I've beat Mario Kart in the 50cc and the 100cc and I've only had it since friday night. Plus I got my friend Seth's friend code and played him and his wife today. So much fun! If you don't already have the game or a Wii, GET ONE!

Tonight Katrina and I went out to this really good pasta/pizza place here in town. We each got calzones. Oh if you all think about it throw up a prayer for Katrina tomorrow. She's got to go in for a root canal and she's a little anxious. So any prayer would be good.

We thought we had our Jeep sold this weekend but the guy who said he'd buy it never came and got it. We got an e-mail from him late this afternoon, saying that he and his wife went out and decided to get a new jeep. Super bummer. So also throw up another prayer for us to sell the Jeep.

Well that's all I'm off to finish the American Gladiator episode that we have recorded and eat some watermelon. Then it's off to bed, and wake up to start another work week. I'm super stoked that watermelon is back in season.


P.S. I got a sick t-shirt at Wal-mart yesterday. It's a green lantern shirt with just the logo on the front. Super cool!