Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Have you ever felt creatively dead. Where you just don't want to draw, paint, write, anything? That's how I've felt lately. I remember a time where I would draw constantly. There was a time where I would journal a whole bunch. It feels like for the past months it feels like I haven't done anything creative.

I don't really feel like writing too much tonight but I did want to share some really good ukulele music with you all. I have been reading boingboing.net and they've been posting a bunch of ukulele player videos and such like. And I kinda want to start playing ukulele. I wanted a drum but not so much anymore. Maybe I'm just searching for an answer to what I'm supposed to do to get through my dry spell I mentioned above. So here's other people's creative ventures. Maybe one day I can be added to the list.

That's all for now.
