The place where these guys got sent is way nicer then where I go...
Beware of the Doghouse- Hilarious! - video powered by Metacafe
Hopefully I won't end up there this holiday season. I think I got a good gift picked out...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The dog house.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Political vomit.
When was it decided that America would be the police force of the world. Before world war 1 America was an isolationistic country. Meaning we took care of our own and if something warranted a global reaction i.e. the sinking of the Lusitania, we responded in fold, i.e. jumping in and fighting with the British and French forces in WW1. We also up until WWII were exporting like crazy. Everything from food, textiles to clothing. Now everything we get comes from japan or china.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is this. I wish it wasn't like this at all. We really should just be taking care of ourselves, yet keeping an ear out for things in the world that would effect us. Take Somalia for example. If we just sent food and stayed out of it "Black Hawk Down" would have never been made. If we said "f" the French and their quest for rubber, we would have never had Vietnam. And if we would have just kicked Sadam Heussain's ass out of office and let the country fall in to civil war, we'd be out of Iraq by now.
Also you want to get rid of this "financial crisis"? Put someone in charge who'll start programs to help small business owners out. Who'll down size big business( I don't care what you say a 7 billion dollar profit of American's money is too much). Who'll make auto makers, foreign or domestic, all conform to standards.
Oh and anyone else find it odd that as soon as the house the senate and the white house were all run by the Democrats that gas prices started coming down? Bush was fighting congress(democrat ran) and Congress was making him look bad. What's the easiest way to take a leader out? Make his decisions look bad.
And another thing. Barak Obama the "fist Black President". HE'S HALF WHITE AND 1/4 BLACK. If you want to look at the first partial minority to get elected to the White house look no further than Abraham Linclon! That dude looks Native American.
Lastly "F" the media. You people have been sucking his "you know what" for far too long. I'm sick of it. Of course it was easy for him to get elected when every major news outlet was singing his praises!
If things get any worse I'm moving to Ireland or Australia. Atleast in Australia they aren't ashamed to say that they are and English speaking country and if you want to live here learn our language.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I'd take a red shell in the back if it meant keeping her safe
I love my wife and I dedicate this to her. It's not me singing of course but sums it up for me.
I love you Katrina!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I don't normally do this but.
I'm sick of politics. Done. Kaput. Fin. Oh I'll vote, not that it'll matter (the electoral college will take care of actually electing the new president), I'm going to vote mainly so I can complain.
First let me say that I love this country. If asked I would die for it.
Now why am I on this rant? Well, while in D.C. I picked up a copy of our constitution. Noe I've had copies of it before but never actually read it. Well now that I have WOW! Where have we gone! I mean the judicial system is making laws, the senate is basically just taking care of themselves (you know not really doing stuff just giving each other raises yada yada yada), oh and the Executive branch is pretty much running the show.
I'm just done. All this He said she said B.S. is really starting to piss me off.
Here's my solution to the whole election thing and probably a lot of other things too.....
Abolish the electoral college and give the open positions to people straight out of the phone book. In other words the COMMON MAN. You know the guy who just works all day and worries about things like feeding they're families, and getting health care for their kids. Not treated like gold, people of power and money.
So yeah I'll vote but like I said, only so I can continue to complain. As for who I'll vote for.... I haven't really made up my mind yet....
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Long time No type
Lots have happened since last I've blogged. We went to Virginia on vacation. It was nice we went to Washington D.C., got to see the White House, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and the WWII Memorial. We also got to go to Jamestown, the first English settlement in America. The highlight for me was going to the National Air and Space museum. I got to see the Space Shuttle Enterprise! It's a lot bigger than it looks.
Let's see I got a new bike. It's a full suspension mountain bike, a mongoose. I'm trying to get the gear to stop making noise as I pedal. I'm going to start riding to work again. It's fun. Plus I really do need to lose some weight.
I've also started writing a comic book. Hopefully the first of many.
Hmmm.... Oh and I've gotten into papercrafting. Basicly it's model making where you print off the models on the computer and put them together. I'm working on a Samus Aran model. The bounty hunter in the video game Metroid.
Well just a quick update for now.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
That is The Question?
It's been a while since I've posted. Let's see....
I'm in the process of writing a comic book and a zombie book. I'm only actually writing one while I'm researching the other.
Also I just finished reading DC comic's Infinite Crisis and "52". Amazingly well written series. I've come out of with a new 'nother favorite comic book character. The Question? It was kind of a bummer that in "52" Vic Sage dies and is replaced with Renee Montoya. Still one of my favorites actually my favorite female super hero!
Here's a fan film about him.
And here's the first in a series
Well Goodnight!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Yeah I'm addicted. Thanks Clay.
DC comics I need to read up!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
New Fun Blog
OK so Katrina and I got into letterboxing. Don't know what that is? Check it out at Well tonight Katrina and I went to Target and I got this! You can't read it but on the box it says "Made with 100% recycled awesome". Yeah it is that cool too. So anyway I've decided to put the two together. So I have a project going on right now. Another blog if you will. Called 'Cap in America'. Here's the link. I've only got one post there so far but hopefully this weekend Katrina and I will have our second stamp and Cap will have another post.
Here's some more pictures of Cap.
In other news... I'm excited about Clay coming out to visit next weekend. Were going to have a zombie movie festival! Yeah I know I'm a super nerd.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
What a Day!
OK so this weekend we went down to Manteca CA to hang out with Katrina's folks. It was fun. We had a bunch of BBQ's, swam in the in-law's pool and just had a good time. Got to watch some fireworks and hang out with some friend's. On Saturday I shaved my head and got a matching shirt and shorts as Dean my father in law. We looked quite a bit a like. Certainly surprised everyone on Sunday's BBQ.
Anyway it was a struggle for me to get in the swing of things at work today. I'm going to bed early and hopefully that will help.
Here's a funny little video I ran into on youtube.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 6:23 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
OK we Americans have no idea what inflation is. Yeah it's bad and getting worse but nothing near as bad as Zimbabwe. A country of billionaires who can't afford soap. Here's a link to an article that I found really informing.
We need to stop complaining about our problems and realize that it could be worse.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Apologies Windbags and Robots
OK I haven't posted in a while. A lot has been going on lately.
Family stuff, which prayer is always welcomed.
Marriage stuff, which has been getting better and better.
And personal stuff, again just a general prayer is nice.
So first apologies. I'm sorry I haven't been updating this as much as I should. Thanks to those who read this and to those that don't I'm sorry.
Windbags, or rather bagpipes. Yes, I've decided to learn how to play the bagpipes. There is a band that plays up in Reno and they offer lessons to people who want to learn. Best part is the lessons are free! They only ask if you would play with the band once you reach the point of playing well.
Robots. Katrina and I along with our friend's Christy and Scott went to go see the movie W.A.L.L.-e tonight. Which was really good. I think that it is my new favorite Disney Pixar movie. Yes I liked it that much. Thanks to Ed who gave us the free movie passes for helping him move some furniture in to his place. I hope all went well with the rest of it.
Well I'm off to go practice my chanter (it's what you learn before you play the bagpipes).
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Disappointment and awesomeness
Ok so I sold one of my mountianboards and I'm bummed out. I didn't get what I was asking, but I'm glad it went to a guy who is going to use it.
Now it's time for the awesomeness. Because of this movie I kinda want to work in an office.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Old airplanes
So today I worked on an airplane that was so old that it didn't need a vacuum pump it used a venturi.
Here's a picture of it.
Sorry it turned out kinda blurry I had to use my phone for the picture.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Swamp Cool-A!
It's been a wile. Hunh?
So this weekend we went up to Katrina's parent's property where I helped frame and stand up the second story walls. Which was a stretch for me cause I'm afraid of heights. Yeah I know, an aircraft mechanic afraid of heights, it's an oxymoron. Anyway while there Katrina and I were given a swamp cooler. We thought we had AC here at our new place but we don't so we got a swamp cooler instead. It uses less electricity and is easier to work on compared to a traditional window AC unit.
So we spent today doing some chores around the house. I gave the dog a bath, cleaned the grill that we got for free, and got the swamp cooler hooked up and ready to go. Now were just relaxing enjoying the cool air and waiting for the tri-tip to finish cooking.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Zombiefest 2008
S last night some friend's of mine came over and we watched zombie movies. Here's the line up.
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
Army of Darkness
Planet Terror
We started at 4 in the afternoon and didn't finish until 1 in the morning. It was fun. My dreams were kind of weird last night but I was excited to wake up because, Katrina was coming home!
But not until 2:30 in the afternoon. So I woke up did some dishes and laundry and waited. While I waited, I watched Anchorman, and started 50 First Dates. Aaron called me and wanted to know if I wanted to play Mario Kart which I totally whooped up on him on.
After the second round of races Katrina walked through the door. And we've just been hanging out since. Needless to say I am super bored right now.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Have you ever felt creatively dead. Where you just don't want to draw, paint, write, anything? That's how I've felt lately. I remember a time where I would draw constantly. There was a time where I would journal a whole bunch. It feels like for the past months it feels like I haven't done anything creative.
I don't really feel like writing too much tonight but I did want to share some really good ukulele music with you all. I have been reading and they've been posting a bunch of ukulele player videos and such like. And I kinda want to start playing ukulele. I wanted a drum but not so much anymore. Maybe I'm just searching for an answer to what I'm supposed to do to get through my dry spell I mentioned above. So here's other people's creative ventures. Maybe one day I can be added to the list.
That's all for now.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Mario Kart update
Ok I've been playing non stop for a while. I've got 50 cc beat, all with gold medals. I've got 100 cc beat with only 3 bronze medals. I haven't started the 150 cc yet because I want to get the 100 cc beat with all gold medals.
Tomorrow's the wedding. Should be good. We had the rehearsal tonight. I just hope that everything goes smooth.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'm in Manteca again.
Here's a video.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Weird Weather
OK so this weekend it was 95 and hot! Today I went to work in flurries. Snow flurries! Yeah that's what I said.
This weekend I'm going to Manteca for my brother-in-law's wedding. I'm looking forward to it.
I got the MC chris is Dead CD this week. It's pretty good.
I'm enjoying this short blog.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I've decided to cancel my photo blog. I'm a simple guy and can really only pay attention to one thing at a time. Just ask my wife. So yeah. But hey I took the look from the deleted blog and decide to use it here. Enjoy and let me know what you all think.
Here's something random. I called my friend Caleb (whom I met in HI) tonight cause I haven't talked to him in a while. Well Caleb didn't answer but my friend Noah answered, also from Hawaii. So I got to talk to two friend's that, I didn't think knew each other. Oh and I also got to talk to Teresa, another friend from HI. Kinda like a mini reunion.
So I've beat Mario Kart in the 50cc and the 100cc and I've only had it since friday night. Plus I got my friend Seth's friend code and played him and his wife today. So much fun! If you don't already have the game or a Wii, GET ONE!
Tonight Katrina and I went out to this really good pasta/pizza place here in town. We each got calzones. Oh if you all think about it throw up a prayer for Katrina tomorrow. She's got to go in for a root canal and she's a little anxious. So any prayer would be good.
We thought we had our Jeep sold this weekend but the guy who said he'd buy it never came and got it. We got an e-mail from him late this afternoon, saying that he and his wife went out and decided to get a new jeep. Super bummer. So also throw up another prayer for us to sell the Jeep.
Well that's all I'm off to finish the American Gladiator episode that we have recorded and eat some watermelon. Then it's off to bed, and wake up to start another work week. I'm super stoked that watermelon is back in season.
P.S. I got a sick t-shirt at Wal-mart yesterday. It's a green lantern shirt with just the logo on the front. Super cool!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Mario Kart and another blog?
Yes another blog! But it's different it's a photo a day blog. So check it out and tell me what you al think.
And we got Mario Kart for the Wii!! I know I'm a huge kid but hey it's one of my favorite games ever. Super fun. if anyone wants to play comment me with you wii friend code and I'll add you and give you our friend code.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Office; the hanger
My life sometimes feels like the TV show the office. Just weird things happen in my life which doesn't seem real. Oh and official prediction, I think Jim is going to propose to Pam tonight on the season finally of the office.
The cat almost through up on my head today as I was taking a nap. Luckily I was quick enough to get out of the way.
I'm taking a road trip with my boss tomorrow to fix an airplane. Lucky me hunh? Like I said just like the office.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
For all you Mom's out there. Especially my Mom.
Happy Mothers Day!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sketch up
I posted about a month ago about a human powered helicopter. Well here's an update. I've figured out what to build the rotors out of. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but if you have this months issue of 'Popular Science' and e-mail me about what article the idea is on then I'll let you know.
Also I've downloaded a Cad program, Google sketch up. I figured that when it comes to final design and what not I'll need something like that to put it all together. So I'm going to be messing around with that, while I get a few more things nailed down in my mind.
The other thing I've figured out is the tail rotor drive design. I thought of using a chain drive but I've decided to go with a drive shaft instead, like the kind you find in weed eaters. It will be a bit stronger and if I build a flex type shaft it will compensate for any flexing in the airframe.
The last thing I think I got worked out is the steering. It's actually the first thing I figured out. The wright brothers figured out how to control they're plane in the beginning stages of planing. The reasoning behind that was, "if we can fly how are we going to come back down or turn", or what not. I had to put some thinking into it because in a normal helicopter your feet control what direction you face, left or right. Since your feet on my helicopter would be used to produce the power, you'd have to use your hands to control the helicopter. That's all I'm going to give you all right now.
I'm sorry I'm being kind of secretive here, I just want to be the first. If any of you want to know more about it just ask. I'll be happy to tell you about it over the phone or in person. I just don't want stuff published on the web or anything like that yet....
Well just thought I'd share.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Sonoma and Gangstergrass
Gangstergrass as in music not illegal substances. I found this mash up on another blog I frequent, Go to for a free download and to listen. It's actually really funny, interesting, and unique. Just be forewarned, explicit lyrics. Just so your not listening to it at work or something.
We got a GMC Sonoma last night. We were going to trade our Jeep in but they were only going to give us a grand for it. We told them we couldn't do that. So they gave us the grand anyway. We got to keep the Jeep which they detailed for us, for free. Now the Jeep is sitting on an unofficial lot here in town. It's only been there for two hours and we've already got two phone calls. One guy offered us 3800 dollars. We're asking 4500. So if you know anyone who's in need of a Jeep.
That's all for now.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I have really been watching a lot of indy movies. I recently watched Four Eyed Monsters. I posted about the project yesterday. If you haven't checked it out go to and check out the online videos and then check out the movie. I'm wanting to go out to Sundance Film Festival this year. I have my cousin Lisa who lives in the town that it takes place. So, Lisa, CALL ME!
I've also picked up the new Death Cab for Cutie album and I really like the full version of "I Will Posses Your Heart". I like how Jammy it is. Yes, 'Jammy', is a new word. Suck it.
Games I want to get this year.
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Mario Cart
Ghost Squad
I'm going to sell two of my mountianboards and a paintball gun for an electric drum kit. I've always wanted to play. I used to mess around with Grant's (my little brothers) drum and I want to start again and try and get better. I don't know what I'll do with that or where I'll go but I think it will be fun.
Alright off to bed.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Wednesday back aches
Last week Thursday I wrenched my back crawling around in the back of an airplane. Friday I worked through the pain, and by Saturday morning it felt a whole heck of a lot better. Sunday it felt the same as Saturday until we got back from snowboarding. Come Monday morning it was on fire! I worked for half a day Monday, coming home at lunch. Tuesday was much better... Until I had to crawl back into the airplane to finish what I started. Joy. Needless to say I woke up this morning with pain shooting up my back. So I spent the first part of the day icing/heating my back, messing around on my computer. After lunch I went in for four hours.
While on my back and a heating pad I found this project. Four Eyed Monsters. It's a really sweet story about a couple's falling in and out of love. For more go to They're podcast is what I watched. I'm in the process of getting they're movie to watch.
Other than that not much has happened today. There's a B-17 bomber that's been giving flights for 100 bucks at the airport. We can't afford that right now but I was content just watching it take off and taxi around. A really awesome sight.
Well I'm off to shower off the four hours of work.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
IRONclad pants needed to go snowboarding with my woMAN!
Ok my weekend in review! Friday night I went out to the movies with Ed and Adam, some friends of mine, to see IRON MAN! Which if you haven't seen it yet GO AND SEE IT! Well worth the money. Iron Man has never really been one of my favorite comic book characters but he definitely moved up my list. Now I just need to pray that they make a Green Lantern movie. Favorite parts of the movie. The use of YF-22 planes. The audi he drove around. Pepper Potts. How the special effects didn't seem like they were special effects. Pepper Potts. And the story line left it open for another movie.
Saturday Katrina and I went up to her parent's property. We helped nail some more siding up. Then we all went out to eat mexican food. Which is where I almost got the best "that's what she said" ever!
Sunday, we went snowboarding. Which was frustrating, fun, pissed me off and Katrina. OK we got into a fight. It was my fault, I'll admit it. We apologized, OK I apologized. After that we drove around Lake Tahoe, it was a really pretty drive. When we got home we went out to Blockbuster and traded some movies in. We watched a British comedy, Death at a Funeral. I liked it a lot, Katrina not so much. It's British humor not all people get it.
Today I went into work with my back all messed up, so I came home at lunch Stretched out my back, iced it, and used my heating pad. Needless to say it's feeling much better. Again Pepper Potts... anyone?
Well that was my weekend.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Juno, not like Alaska
I just finished the movie Juno. I liked it a lot. I remember seeing previews for it, and really wanting to see it in theaters but money and a marriage prevented me from doing so. So let's see my favorite parts. Well first off Dwight from the office as store clerk was hilarious! The words, "boss" and, "wizard" are going to become apart of my vocabulary because of this movie. Especially "wizard". The sound track, which I'm currently listening to right now, was wizard! Yeah definitely recommend you all getting a copy of that. I also learned a little about greek mythology. I never knew Juno was the name of Zeus's wife.
Man this soundtrack is making me want to reinstate the art of the mix tape. Hmmm.......
Anyway, when I was in school an instructor told me that the FAA was there to help out when needed. Well let me tell you they seem to be out to get you. At least that's my experience. Yeah, stupid government officials.
I found out that our dog, Stella, fetches. Which makes me happy. I miss playing fetch with my parent's dogs. So I'm going to going to play with her more.
Oh friday night I'm going to go see Iron Man with some friends. So I'll let you all know what I think of that.
All in all I'd have to say that my day went swimmingly.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Octopus Please
I think I want to get an octopus. I want to get a Bimec octopus. (Octopus bimaculoides) I'm kinda doing research right now. I'd like to get a 100 gallon tank. I'm thinking start up is gong to be the biggest cost and hardest part besides finding and transporting an octopus. On another note, Katrina and I went to In-N-Out tonight. Which was good, and tasty! Afterwards we went to PetCo. And we ended up leaving with two African Bamboo Shrimp, some bamboo and two other fish. We got the shrimp to help clean up the tanks.
Let's see other than that the FAA showed up to work today. And asked us a bunch of questions. Which my boss wasn't too thrilled about.
Well I'm off to bed.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Fish video
Here's a video of our fish tanks. I'd like to get a saltwater tank eventually but that'll have to wait until I'm rich.
I just uploaded it so give it time.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Human Powered
I want to build a human powered helicopter. I think I've got two major problems fixed, the weight and the control. I don't want to get too much into it cause I want to be the first.
I'm super bored right now.
um I mean afternoon.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
All at once
Have you ever wanted to say what you wanted to say but circumstances or better judgment would not allow it? Just a thought.
So I spent an hour playing Halo today after work and dinner. I've got pretty far in it. That new controller of mine works really well.
I talked to the recruiter today and basically he doesn't want to talk to me unless I get under weight. I'm at the point to where I want to talk to the guy just to see if I'd make it in the air force and to see what my career options would be. I know I need to lose weight but my max weight for the Air Force is 191 lbs! I guess I just want to talk to someone to see if it'd be worth it.
Other than that.... I find it funny that I'm becoming a baseball fan. I never really was before. Weird!
Go Cubs!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Fishes and Halo
Well Katrina and I just got back from Wal-mart. We got us a new fish tank to put all of our goldfish in. So we went from a 3 gallon tank to a 5 gallon tank. There was two goldfish in the tank in our bedroom. One is named Flowers, the other Brainiac. Then we had another goldfish in the tank in our front room, named Goliath, cause he's huge! So we put all three in the new tank and put the tank in our living room. I like fish eventually I'd like a 200 to 500 gallon salt water tank. I'll have to get some pictures of both tanks and post them.
Also, while at Wal-martI picked up a controller for my PC. Which means, I can now play Halo! So after we got home and set up the tanks I went to put my copy of halo on my computer. Guess what? I found my box, sleeve and instruction book for Halo but no disc! Needless to say I know of a few places on-line that I can get a copy of it. I'm still going to use my product key and box code.
Other than that I finally got to talk to a recruiter. Still no meeting set up though.
OK well it's off to save the world from the Covenant!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Weekend wrap up
So this weekend was awesome. After I left you last time, I went with my friend Seth to his friend's house to watch a UFC pay per view fight. Which was fun.
Sunday morning Katrina and I went to church with her parents. Said hi to some friends and then it was off to lunch with Katrina's entire family at Chili's. We went to celebrate Katrina's Dad's birthday. Then it was a three hour drive home.
Work went well. (HAHAHA three 'w's!) I didn't get canned like I thought I did on friday. Also the flight school that's opening up just got there first two airplanes. So now I'm kicking around the thought of wether I should get a motorcycle or my pilot's license.
If I do get a bike I'd like this one.
It's a Triumph Bonneville Black. I really like the old old old british bikes.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Manteca What can I say?
Today was awesome. I woke up and went to Costco with Katrina. She needed to grab some stuff for the wedding shower that she was throwing. Then it was off to play disc golf with my friend Seth. Who I beat by the way. Just kidding Seth it was close. I think the score was 74 to 69 I think, par was 54.
Tonight I am going with Seth to watch a UFC fight at his friend's house. It sounds like fun. So I'm going to go finish this session on the pot, and hang out.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
What a week!
Let me start off with today. Work was super boring, up until the part that I was waiting for showed up. Then it was four hours of trying to get 2 of 8 bolts in. My boos said to just take the part out and see what was the matter. I pulled it out and noticed that one of the tubes that was connected to the part, was bent almost shut. Which I didn't tighten. That would be my co-worker. Yet take a guess at who got blamed. Yep yours truly! I quickly told my boss who it was, which didn't calm him down so needless to say I went home early.
I'm watching Letterman right now and you know what? He's not that funny.
This weekend Katrina and I are in Manteca. That's all I want to talk about right now.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tuesday Tuesday Today!
Work was a hurry up and wait day. Wait for this part. Wait for this guy to show up. Wait for nothing to happen while looking at something that had to be taken off. All the while with a pain in my lower back that went down my leg.
Katrina and I went to Jamba Juice tonight. We originally wanted Cold Stone but they were closed, but Jamba was next door and still open. Oh and this was after the amazing pulled pork that Katrina made, which was amazing! Yes it deserves two "amazing"s!
Other than that life has been quite boring. I did find this piece of web gem today. - Watch more free videos
I'm a huge nerd, so the music in the video is what really got me excited.
Our dog is a nut. All I have to say is "Who is that?" and her ears perk up and she starts to look around crazily. It's really funny to watch. I'll try to get a video of it sometime.
So, Goodnight!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm making cookies right now while finishing up Sunday's episode of Eli Stone. Actually I just took the last batch out, and they all look DELICIOUS!
I'm using Safari right now too. It's Apple's new web browser. I really like it. I got it when I updated my I-tunes. I'm sure if you want to try it out, you could download it for free. It's got some neat features. Check it out.
Here's a list of movies I want to see this summer.
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Speed Racer
Narnia: Prince Caspian
I'm sure the list will get longer as I see more things that interest me.
Work went well today. Nothing to really report.
I'm off to eat some of my cookies before Katrina gets them all.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Awe man! It's over!?!
Yep the weekend is over and I'm super bummed out. I can't complain too much though, we did a lot this weekend.
First we went up to Katrina's parents property and helped with the construction of they're garage/living quarters. It was nice to actually help this time even though I don't feel like I contributed that much. Stella came with us again. So of course she was a dirty mess when we brought her home.
Today Katrina and I had brunch with Katrina's Nanny. It was nice, we haven't seen her in a long time. After breakfast we met Adam and Renee and they're dog Jack at the dog park. So we spent an hour or so there with Stella running around meeting other dogs. Then we decided to bring Stella to the groomers at Pet Smart. We brought her there with a hint of red in her coat and got her back with a hint of red in her coat. Needless to say we weren't impressed with they're service. With the weather getting warmer I'm just going to tie her up out side and get the washing done out there.
We've decided to sell our Jeep. It's a Grand Cherokee Laredo with a V8. In other words a gas hog. We talked it over and I would like a Samurai or a Tracker. They are both good on gas. We saw one advertised that claimed 40 mpgs. Normally they come with 4 wheel drive, which will make traveling in the winter easier. So pray that we can sell our Jeep.
Other than that a pretty normal weekend.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Cheese and Wine
Today was a day of whining. My boss whined and complained about his taxes all the way up until 1:30 this afternoon. Then my co-worker complained and complained about the airplane we were working on. I agree with most of it but whining will get you no where. Seriously!
Other than that life was a bit nice today. I took Stella for a run. The house smells wonderful, cause Katrina cleaned house and she's making fajitas for diner tonight. So yeah I'm off to shower before Adam and Renee get here.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Blisters on Teusday
Work went well today. My boss took me and my co-worker to Chili's. That was a nice change of pace. Getting ready this morning to leave was like a scavenger hunt. The cat had batted my wallet off of where I keep it and it was under the desk we have in the living room. Then I found my keys in Katrina's purse. Last night, Katrina, went to the store and used my keys, so that explains that.
I'm sitting here watching tv and I just viewed an esurance commercial and the human guy with the big law book, is kind of feminine. I don't know.
A.t.C. update! I've got him most of the way together but something is wrong. Only one of the motor spins and then when you hit the sensor switch the other one spins. I'm going to finish it the rest of the way, and go from there. As soon as I got it working properly I'll post up a video. I'm giving my self the deadline of next week Friday.
Oh man I got super stoked today, while I was going to the restroom and checking my e-mail. I saw the first trailer for the Incredible Hulk! It looks amazing! As a matter of fact check it out yourself!
Oh well I'm getting of and going to eat some Oreos!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Moments of Mondays
I finally understand why Garfield was always complaining on Mondays. Work sucked today. A lot going on and I was doing it all.
On another note Katrina and I went for a walk around that park. It was nice to just get out and walk around and forget the day. I was trying to think of some of the best comments that Stella, our dog receives. I think one of the best comments was a little kid who asked his mom, "How did they catch a wolf!?!".
Ok comic time again. I've been reading Invincible. A super good comic written by Robert Kirkman. Check it out. Even though they discontinued it, it's amazing.
Well that's all I want to write right now. I'm going to eat some Oreo's and read some more.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Frustration in all the wrong places.
OK about last night's little rant. I shouldn't have given Katrina all the bad rap for our financial debacle. It rests on me just as much. At church tonight, our pastor gave a sermon about being giving and content. Well needless to say Katrina and I didn't tithe this payday cause "we needed the money for, blah blah blah". I'm not saying that God is punishing us but I think things are a little tighter because we (and by we I mean I) didn't fully trust Him with our (my) situations. So yeah Katrina if your reading this, I'm sorry for the previous post.
On a happier note Katrina and I explored a new dog park with, Stella, today. It's a really cool mile long type walking trail that follows part of the Carson River for a while. Next time we go I'm going to have Stella pull me on one of my off-road skate boards. I'll have her take me to the river portion of the trail, walk that part, and then have her pull me the rest of the way home. Maybe tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow. WE'RE GOING SNOWBOARDING!!! I get to pt my new toys to use! Can you tell I'm excited? We're going in the morning until early afternoon. Then it's come home and take Stella for a run, and heal up from the falling that I'm sure both of us will be so fortunate to experience.
OK I know this is weird but, I want to start playing paintball again. Eventually I'd like to start playing competitively again. I miss the thrill and just the atmosphere that you get within the paintball community. Plus, I've secretly been craving to shot people in the face again. There's nothing like taking down a player with a gun blazing with a single shot from your pump paintball gun. You just can't shake that feeling. Oh and being able to say stuff like "I shot you in the face" or "He's behind the doritto" or "I bunkered your Mom" and actually meaning it. Seriously some kid's mom showed up to play at a field one time and I..well..bunkered her.
Enough for tonight. I'm going to wipe, flush, and spend some time with my wife!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:55 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
O.K. normally I'm excited for the weekend to come but today it's different. Katrina and I are going snowboarding on Sunday which I'm excited about. But it's tomorrow that I'm not to thrilled about. We were going to head up to Reno to hang out, but now we're not. Kinda bummed. Maybe I'll finish my robot. I need to get to it.
I think the reason I was bummed out yesterday was that I feel like I'm working for nothing sometimes. Every once in a while it's nice to get something small as a reward to yourself for the hard work you've put in. I don't think that I've gotten a "toy" in a while. Then my dog goes and eats my hat, I find one that I like to replace it and I'm told that I have to wait until payday to get one. Payday comes still no hat. It wouldn't bug me so much if Katrina didn't get just about everything that she wants. I know I joke about it with her but sometimes I feel like I have to beg for things.
The thing that scares me is that this was one of the big things in my parent's marriage that brought a lot of strife. I'm going to start getting more involved in our finances, if anything just to see where our money is going. Plus the way I look at it, it'll keep Katrina and I accountable to each other in the spending department.
Other than that my Friday went well. Got off of work early. Didn't do too much hard work while there. Oh and just got back from having dinner with some friends.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Waiting for the day to end.
Today was rough. Work was rough. My boss was a big turd today. I'll leave it at that. Katrina and I took a walk with, Stella, our dog. Katrina got to use her new lens that she got for her camera with her birthday money.
We watched the movie Enchanted tonight. It was O.K. Super cheesy.
I'm a huge hockey fan and I found out tonight that my team, the Nashville Predators, made it to the play offs. Hopefully they do well.
I'm just a bit bummed tonight. I can't put my finger on it but I am.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Monetary Gain.
At work today I was thinking about how much the things I work on cost. I mean today alone I put almost two grand worth of parts on one airplane! And that's just parts not labor! O.K. let me just put it this way. I've worked on only three airplanes this week, (and it's only wednesday night) one of those three planes cost half of a million dollars! Just one of the three! The other two equal up to $500,000. So this week alone parts and planes included I've messed with over a million dollars worth of equipment! I'm finding it harder and harder to not covet where I'm working.
On a side note I got to take home a propeller spinner. For those of you that don't know, it's the pointy thing that is in the middle of the propeller. We replaced it with a newer one on a Cessna 310 last fall. My boss was going to throw it out, until he saw me messing with it and he then offered it to me. I'm either going to make wall art out of it or turn it into a viking helmet and wear it as such.
I took Stella, our dog, for a run today. She was couped up all day in her cage waiting for us to come home, so I figured she needed one. I'm getting kinda bummed out though. The weather is getting warmer, and huskies don't do well running in temperatures over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. I'm going to have to resort to walking Stella and making sure that when I do, I have enough water for the both of us.
Anybody catch the Dookie Houser reference on this week's "How I Met Your Mother" episode? I was thinking today that he must have been the world's first blogger. Kinda weird hunh?
Last thought before I jump off. I want to go snowboarding. I got a snowboard for Christmas and have yet to use it. My friend Eric's sister-in-law gave me and Katrina lift tickets to go but we haven't. I'm guessing that this weekend might be our last good weekend to go so pray that we get to.
Alright that's it.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Thoughts for today.
First thought, I hate taxes. Not the yearly taxes, I normally get stuff back. But the every paycheck type taxes. Those suck!
Next thought. I kinda wish I were a helicopter mechanic. I like helicopters ok, ok I love helicopters! I even got the t-shirt to prove it! They aren't supposed to fly, they are super super touchy, they cost a lot and they're just rad!
Also I was thinking about career choices again. I love what I do and who I do it for. (My customers are awesome.) But it's just not something I can make a lot of money doing right now. I'm being drawn between doing what I enjoy and doing what pays. I kinda either want to go back to school to finish my bachelors program or to go back to school to become an airline pilot. I know, I know just last week I was thinking about joining the air force. But you see the air force would offer me the chances of doing either. Not only that but it would give me the chance to build experience which looks good on a resume.
Lastly I'm also wanting to find out how to get into doing voice overs.
Yeah that's it I'm done. I'm going to watch Beauty and the Geek and finish this episode of NCIS.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
What a boring day!
So Katrina let me sleep in til noon today, which was nice. I ate breakfast and relaxed for 20 minutes or so. Then it was time for THE BATH! Stella our dog got super dirty at Katrina's parents property. Red dirt and white husky don't mix. So here's a before picture. Needless to say she wasn't very cooperative. Katrina got in the tub with Stella and held her head and comforted her and while I did the dirty work. She didn't like the water or use up in her you can see that our dog still has a "black eye" in the after pictures.
On another note I got to thinking what I want for my birthday. An R/C Helicopter! It's a beginner so that way I can move up to flying a gas powered Copter. Here's what I want. Heli-Max™ RotoFly EX Mini EP RTF with Deluxe Case! So anybody want to throw in for my gift it would be much appreciated. =) Just throwing it out there. My birthday isn't until July so you guys have a while.
Oh and an update on the Cubs hat. My dog ate it. No Joke she ate it about a week ago I found the remains. So I'm taking up a collection for a new one.
OK OK no more asking for money. I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm back!
O.K. I'm back after, Katrina left our laptop charger at her parents house last weekend, I'm back on my computer and ready to roll. OK so what's new, let's see. I got my parts for my robot A.t.C. along with a robot kit that I built already. It's a solarroller. It charges up in the sun and then without warning it takes off in a mad dash to no where. No name for him as of yet.
This past work week was hectic! Planes coming in and out of the shop, waiting for parts and then, when they finally come a mad dash to put them in to make my boss and customers happy.
We just got back from Katrina's parent's property. They're building a house on some land that they own and today was day one for the framing. We (Katrina and I) left after we helped stand the first wall up. Side note here; that's all we really did. Her Dad and brother did most of the building. Kinda like "Mongo lift". Anyway it's a two hour drive from they're property to our house, so when we called them to see how they were doing they had completed another wall and had it in place and were half way through with the third wall. Crazy!
Katrina and I took our dog up to the property. I don't think I've told you all about her so I'll just say this. She's a pure bred Siberian Husky that we got for $50 who has quickly captured our hearts as favorite dog of all time. Her name is Stella and she's pure white.
Did you catch that part about being pure white!?! Katrina's Parent's Property (say that five times fast) isn't paved or grassy, it's all red dirt! RED dirt! Oh and Katrina's brother brought they're dog with them, a puppy mind you, and those two went to town! Digging, rolling around, play wrestling, and just running around. Did I mention the RED dirt and Stella being pure white!?! Tomorrow I'm going to be giving her a bath, so I'll have to get some before and after pictures for you guys to see.
Well I think that that's all for tonight. I'm going to bed now, and I won't be awake for quite a while. Goddnight!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I manteca this wekend.
I'm in Manteca Ca this weekend. It's Katrina's birthday so we're at her parents house just hanging out.
So lets see. Thursday we had ESPN show up at work. They were doing a piece on Steve Fosset. We gave them some gallon zip lock bags as sick sacks. When they came back there was on and a half bags full. SO TWO AND A HALF GALLONS OF PUKE!
Thursday night we had BJ Hill, the guy that's walking across America, stay at our house. That was fun. We played Wii tennis and just hung out. Then Friday we spent most of the day putting together a cart he can use to pull a bunch of water and food around.
I've been wanting to get a Harley. Katrina's Dad and I are going to the Harley shop to "look". Actually drool. We'll see what happens by the end of the year.
Alright I guess we're off...
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Lost and Found! No Wait Just Lost.
I've been looking for my hat for the last week (off and on that, is). And I can't find it anywhere!!!! Super Frustrating!
On a lighter side we just got back from hanging out with that guy BJ Hill, the one that's doing that walk, across America. It was really fun. He'll be here tomorrow night and most of the day Friday. We also met Edward. I'm hoping that, that's his name(I know it's Ed for sure just not sure which version it is). We spent like an hour talking comics, so they're O.K. in my book.
A.t.C. update! I added the "wheels" today. Katrina gave me some pencils to mutilate, so now my little bot has a means of getting around! Now if only he had his brains and internal organs where they should be... Oh well, should have the part that I'm waiting on by next week Friday, hopefully sooner. Until then he'll have to stay the way he is.
Hmmm. Now I'm torn between getting a new Cubs hat or parts for another robot. We shall see at the end of the month.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
So here I am again waiting for Katrina to come home with no one to talk to. I'm waiting for an episode of The Office to load and listening to Daft Punk. I got Katrina's present today. I guess I could be rapping the gift instead of blogging. In due time. I'd tell you what I got her but seeing that she's probably the only one that reads this I won't.
Katrina's birthday is Saturday and we're going to Manteca CA this weekend. The only thing that could throw it off is the fact that we have this guy staying at our house on either Thursday or Friday night. He's walking across America. Here's his blog. BJ Hill. I think that he's crazy but that's just me being a little envious. I kinda wish I could travel America like that only on a skate board. Wouldn't that be cool? Carving the Rockies? Dodging Cars? Uh on second thought. I'll just wait for retirement and the big RV that awaits. I'll see the country that way.
I'm tempted to watch Beauty and the Geek, without Katrina, but I know she'd be pissed. I like that show cause it reminds me of my life. I'm of course the geek. Hey speaking of robots! I found this cool bot that I want to make. Hider!. It's a beam bot with many functions. Like searching for light but if a loud noise is heard it runs away into the shadows. I'd make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and it would have solar panels to charge the batteries (in other words give it a purpose to sit in the sun light).
Oh last thought before I sign off. Go see Disney and Pixar's Walle. I'll let you all decide what your thoughts are on the movie but, I think it looks really good!
Ok well good night!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thoughts for the Future
So I was thinking tonight and wanted to get this out before I went to sleep....
I'm not sure with what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love aviation and I love tinkering with robots. I was kind of kicking the idea around of going back to school to get a robotic engendering degree. Also for the past week I've been tossing this one around, joining the Air Force. Not to make a career out of it but to get practical application out of my A&P license. Plus some of the benefits like nullifying my student loans, free housing or at least c.o.l.a., Medical and being able to shop on the base tax free. I want to talk to a recruiter about this but first my Dad. The kicker for me will be if I'm able to work on U.A.V.'s like the Raptor. Wiki link to U.A.V.'s
That's all. Let me know what you all think. I know that this will be a huge decision, so all input would be great.
Good night.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Happy Saint Patricks Day
Just in case you didn't know....
So my day wasn't that bad. My boss tried to blame me for something that I didn't do. Which I stood up for myself. Even though he didn't say it in any particular way I think he saw my side. Other than that work was boring.
I'm at home right now, watching Paddy Whacked: The Irish Mob. Kind of interesting. The Irish Mob was the first in America. I'm also waiting for Katrina to come home. She went out to look for a dress for her brothers wedding. She's in it and so, yeah that explains that.
Hmmmm, what else? I had a few things that I thought about at work that I wanted to share. Well I've made another addition to A.t.C. , wheels! I was going to go with cork for wheels but I couldn't mount them to the motors. My idea, which I can't really claim as my own, is to use pencil erasers. They seem like they'll stay a bit better and have more grip to them. Now if I can only get Katrina to part with some penicls....
Oh yeah! I recently found out that one of my either uncles or cousins (great, great, great... well you get the idea.) is Joseph Warren. He was a general during the American Revolution. He also sent Paul Revere on his famous ride through out Boston.
Katrina just walked through the door with dinner, so I'm going to leave it at that.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
JC Comic book Star!
So last night we went to a Bible study. Which was fun but a little weird cause it was our first time there, and we didn't know any of the people there. But turns out that it was a lot of fun. Plus it kinda jump started me on God again. Which was nice cause I've feel like I've been lacking.
So anyway through out the discussion I kept thinking about a comic I had just recently read. First let me tell you what we were talking about. Easter is coming up so we were talking about the three crosses and the attitude each one of them represents. The cross of the thief who was insulting Jesus, represents the cross of rejection. The cross of acceptance was represented by the thief who asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom. While Jesus' cross represented the redemption which we all need to come too.
The one that I kinda focused on was the first one. I guess what got me going was the question of how can someone be so arrogant or prideful that even at death he was following the crowd. Someone brought up the question of dealing with pride and fighting pride with humility. Well this is what got my mind thinking about this comic that I read, A green lantern comic!
Well this one was about the first Green Lantern, Jong Li. He was a monk who was brought up to be a servant and humble. Well, when his temple is destroyed he's the only survivor. That night he's given a power ring and is turned into a Green Lantern. Well he goes on a tour of the country side acting like Robin Hood. Well his ego overtakes his humbleness to the point that he decides to take on the evil Emperor with out his ring to prove himself worthy of the ring. Eventually he overtakes the Emperor and sets up a new better Emperor. I kinda saw this as a metaphor for spiritual warfare. Choosing to put aside what feeds our egos and fight with what God has given us.
I know, I know I'm a super nerd. But that's how I relate things. If you want to check out the comics it's called Dragon Lords by DC comics. The verses that were talked about were Luke 23:39-46. So yeah I'm a nerd/geek plus a Christan. Take it or leave it that's who I am. O.K. so yeah that's enough for today.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Robot Workshop
So yesterday I spent most of the day building a robot. Actually a BEAMbot. Heres the wikipedia link. I've built only one before and it was a kit that I got from I call him patches cause I had to cover one of his "eyes" with modeling clay to get the proper behavior out of him. That was until I realized that I could get the same result by messing with the 100k pot. Here's a picture of 'Patches'. Cute hunh?
This new robot it a "herbie" type. It chases light but with out the solar panel. Also when I get done with it it will have an object avoidance circuit built in. In other words when it runs into something it will back up and then go on its way. O.K. I keep calling it, "it", well last night I came up with a name.... A.t.C. . The robots body is an Altoids tin/can, so A.t.= Altoids and C.= Can. I thought it was clever. Last night I got to the point that I have to wait for the part I ordered to come through the mail.
So here's what I have so far. That's the inside, with what I was able to get finished.
That little black speck is the "brains" of the robot. Hehe I got to do brain surgery last night.
This is what it will look like, for the most part, when I'm done.
So yeah I should get my order by Friday, so I should have A.t.C. done by the following Friday. I'll keep pictures so you can see my progress. Also I ordered another kit when I bought the piece that I'm waiting for. Why pay $6 for shipping on a $3 part right? So I'll also be building a solar roller. Here's the kit. Solarroller Kit #2 I'll keep you all updated with progress on that one too.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Hey my name is Josh Welch. I've decided to start this for a couple of reasons. One my wife has one and I don't want the online community to just get her side of things. ;-)Second I have a myspace(I promise that this will be the only time I'll bring it up.) and that's more fun for me. This will be a little more serious, O.K. well not serious but more along the lines of more interesting for you all to read.
So let me dive into a little about who I am. I'm a 22 year old married man, (well not quite a man and not quite a boy so I'll let you decide.) more of a nerd. I'm an Aircraft Mechanic who loves what I do. And I call Carson City, Nevada home. I'll try to update either whenever it comes to mind to do so or once a week, which ever comes first.
All right the now that the ice has been broken, see you later!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 1:05 PM 0 comments