Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Tuesday Today!

Work was a hurry up and wait day. Wait for this part. Wait for this guy to show up. Wait for nothing to happen while looking at something that had to be taken off. All the while with a pain in my lower back that went down my leg.

Katrina and I went to Jamba Juice tonight. We originally wanted Cold Stone but they were closed, but Jamba was next door and still open. Oh and this was after the amazing pulled pork that Katrina made, which was amazing! Yes it deserves two "amazing"s!

Other than that life has been quite boring. I did find this piece of web gem today.

http://view.break.com/487616 - Watch more free videos

I'm a huge nerd, so the music in the video is what really got me excited.

Our dog is a nut. All I have to say is "Who is that?" and her ears perk up and she starts to look around crazily. It's really funny to watch. I'll try to get a video of it sometime.

So, Goodnight!