Saturday, April 5, 2008

Frustration in all the wrong places.

OK about last night's little rant. I shouldn't have given Katrina all the bad rap for our financial debacle. It rests on me just as much. At church tonight, our pastor gave a sermon about being giving and content. Well needless to say Katrina and I didn't tithe this payday cause "we needed the money for, blah blah blah". I'm not saying that God is punishing us but I think things are a little tighter because we (and by we I mean I) didn't fully trust Him with our (my) situations. So yeah Katrina if your reading this, I'm sorry for the previous post.

On a happier note Katrina and I explored a new dog park with, Stella, today. It's a really cool mile long type walking trail that follows part of the Carson River for a while. Next time we go I'm going to have Stella pull me on one of my off-road skate boards. I'll have her take me to the river portion of the trail, walk that part, and then have her pull me the rest of the way home. Maybe tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow. WE'RE GOING SNOWBOARDING!!! I get to pt my new toys to use! Can you tell I'm excited? We're going in the morning until early afternoon. Then it's come home and take Stella for a run, and heal up from the falling that I'm sure both of us will be so fortunate to experience.

OK I know this is weird but, I want to start playing paintball again. Eventually I'd like to start playing competitively again. I miss the thrill and just the atmosphere that you get within the paintball community. Plus, I've secretly been craving to shot people in the face again. There's nothing like taking down a player with a gun blazing with a single shot from your pump paintball gun. You just can't shake that feeling. Oh and being able to say stuff like "I shot you in the face" or "He's behind the doritto" or "I bunkered your Mom" and actually meaning it. Seriously some kid's mom showed up to play at a field one time and I..well..bunkered her.

Enough for tonight. I'm going to wipe, flush, and spend some time with my wife!



Katrina said...

It's ok, Babe, I forgive you. *side note for any readers... we didn't not tithe at all this payday, rather, I switched up the budget to where we are tithing the full amount after the 2nd payday of the month...* Just had to get that out there. But I agree with you... we weren't being very trusting of God... One thing I was convicted of this evening as well. I love you, and Can't wait to go snowboarding with you and fall with you! (Well, it will probably be me falling mostly... lol)