Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So here I am again waiting for Katrina to come home with no one to talk to. I'm waiting for an episode of The Office to load and listening to Daft Punk. I got Katrina's present today. I guess I could be rapping the gift instead of blogging. In due time. I'd tell you what I got her but seeing that she's probably the only one that reads this I won't.

Katrina's birthday is Saturday and we're going to Manteca CA this weekend. The only thing that could throw it off is the fact that we have this guy staying at our house on either Thursday or Friday night. He's walking across America. Here's his blog. BJ Hill. I think that he's crazy but that's just me being a little envious. I kinda wish I could travel America like that only on a skate board. Wouldn't that be cool? Carving the Rockies? Dodging Cars? Uh on second thought. I'll just wait for retirement and the big RV that awaits. I'll see the country that way.

I'm tempted to watch Beauty and the Geek, without Katrina, but I know she'd be pissed. I like that show cause it reminds me of my life. I'm of course the geek. Hey speaking of robots! I found this cool bot that I want to make. Hider!. It's a beam bot with many functions. Like searching for light but if a loud noise is heard it runs away into the shadows. I'd make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and it would have solar panels to charge the batteries (in other words give it a purpose to sit in the sun light).

Oh last thought before I sign off. Go see Disney and Pixar's Walle. I'll let you all decide what your thoughts are on the movie but, I think it looks really good!

Ok well good night!