Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend.

Thanksgiving weekend is officially over so I figured a recap was worth the time.

Fist up we got into Manteca on Wednesday night at around 6. We ended up going out for diner to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday. We went to a place called the Elephant Bar. Very interesting place. It has an African theme decor and yet boasts a family style wok grill..... Needless to say I got a burger and fun was had by all.

Thursday, Turkey Day, was all I could hope for. I got to sleep-in till about 11:30 got dressed and in an hour we were stuffing our faces with grilled turkey, stuffing, Mashed potatoes and gravy, and pecan pie. By 4:30 I was in a turkey induced coma.

Black Friday was spent, again sleeping-in, and then we hit a few stores. Vicki my mother-in-law, bought me Season 1 of the Office. Unfortunately I have to wait till Christmas before I get to enjoy it...

Saturday was our lazy day. Not much happened.

Sunday, today we had Jack dedicated at Katrina's parent's church. It was a nice little prayer ceremony thing. We don't believe in baby baptism cause salvation is a personal choice and we as parents need to dedicate our lives to raise him according to our views and beliefs in the hopes that he chooses his own way to God (Jesus).

Anyway we had a fun filled weekend and now we are home relaxing.

Till next time. Josh Juice Welch