Sunday, November 1, 2009

Almost a year.

It's been almost a year since I last posted anything and a lot has changed in that little bit of time.

First up I'm a Daddy! Jack David was born July 21 2009. 7lbs 9oz. Katrina and I couldn't be happier. As I'm writing this he's 4 and a half months old and it feels like he's been with us for a long time. I can't wait to start doing all the fun Daddy son stuff with him. Boy scouting, Bike riding, skateboarding, sledding, camping all that fun stuff. Right now I'm just enjoying the little things. Watching him grow up and learn his motor skills is all I could ask for right now.

Next up I'm growing a mustache! Not for Movember but just for me! I'm hoping for a handle bar mustache but we'll see what I get in a year. I'll have pictures to post to document my growth.

I'm not sure what else is new with me but I'm going to start posting more, so if I've failed to mention anything I'm sure it'll be posted soon.

Till next time! Josh Juice Welch