Monday, October 25, 2010

I affirm that affirmative action should be thrown out the window.

Here's something obvious. We have a black President.

Now here's something really obvious. Slavery has been eradicated from America has has been for several generations.

Here's something painfully obvious. I've never owned a slave. Wow I know hunh?

So here come the stupid question..... Why am I paying for slavery? I'm white I know this but as stated above I've never owned a slave of any kind! So why is it that perfectly qualified white people are being passed over for jobs in this country because companies (and even a lot of state jobs) need to fill their quota of minorities? Especially in this economy you'd think companies (and States) would just want do get people working not be worried about filling these quotas. In a perfect society the best qualified person for the job should get the job and unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. But holding 'X' amount of jobs open for people of certain races is not the way to get to that perfect world.

Luckily I have a job and don't have to be searching for one in this economy. Unfortunately there are people out there who are and are having a tough go at it. It's all over the news.

Ok scenario time. Your flying across the Pacific to visit with family in Australia. Do you want your pilot flying you there the best person for that job or someone who was hired by the airline to fill a quota? I personally want the best pilot available. Same goes for the crew on the ground and working on the plane.

No I'm not racist. I just don't see the point in all this. We have a minority person holding the highest office in this country. So what's the excuse going to be? "Oh because I was born mexican/black/indian/(fill in the blanks with what ever you like) I was never given opportunities to do what I could."

First of this is the land of opportunities. You have the potential to be who ever you want to be in this great country of ours. Those that desire to be a pilot/sports star/CEO/ect........ will themselves to be that. We all can't be at the top but if you want to be successful in business/sports or what have you are only limited by themselves. So why complicate things with your not the right race to fill this position BS.

And Secondly I don't care your what your race or religious beliefs or creed is we all have one thing in common. We are Americans! Not black not mexican not irish not french not english not.......... anything else but American. Be proud of your heritage, I am. But I'm more proud to be from this country!

I've been wanting to say something for a long time but just couldn't find the words to out right say it. and then I read a solution to all of this all be it a little too far but a solution none the less.

Here's the link if you want to read it. via Aurthur's Hall

I don't always agree on what's posted on this blog. But I like this post a lot.

Thoughts? Goodnight.