So Katrina let me sleep in til noon today, which was nice. I ate breakfast and relaxed for 20 minutes or so. Then it was time for THE BATH! Stella our dog got super dirty at Katrina's parents property. Red dirt and white husky don't mix. So here's a before picture. Needless to say she wasn't very cooperative. Katrina got in the tub with Stella and held her head and comforted her and while I did the dirty work. She didn't like the water or use up in her you can see that our dog still has a "black eye" in the after pictures.
On another note I got to thinking what I want for my birthday. An R/C Helicopter! It's a beginner so that way I can move up to flying a gas powered Copter. Here's what I want. Heli-Max™ RotoFly EX Mini EP RTF with Deluxe Case! So anybody want to throw in for my gift it would be much appreciated. =) Just throwing it out there. My birthday isn't until July so you guys have a while.
Oh and an update on the Cubs hat. My dog ate it. No Joke she ate it about a week ago I found the remains. So I'm taking up a collection for a new one.
OK OK no more asking for money. I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
What a boring day!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm back!
O.K. I'm back after, Katrina left our laptop charger at her parents house last weekend, I'm back on my computer and ready to roll. OK so what's new, let's see. I got my parts for my robot A.t.C. along with a robot kit that I built already. It's a solarroller. It charges up in the sun and then without warning it takes off in a mad dash to no where. No name for him as of yet.
This past work week was hectic! Planes coming in and out of the shop, waiting for parts and then, when they finally come a mad dash to put them in to make my boss and customers happy.
We just got back from Katrina's parent's property. They're building a house on some land that they own and today was day one for the framing. We (Katrina and I) left after we helped stand the first wall up. Side note here; that's all we really did. Her Dad and brother did most of the building. Kinda like "Mongo lift". Anyway it's a two hour drive from they're property to our house, so when we called them to see how they were doing they had completed another wall and had it in place and were half way through with the third wall. Crazy!
Katrina and I took our dog up to the property. I don't think I've told you all about her so I'll just say this. She's a pure bred Siberian Husky that we got for $50 who has quickly captured our hearts as favorite dog of all time. Her name is Stella and she's pure white.
Did you catch that part about being pure white!?! Katrina's Parent's Property (say that five times fast) isn't paved or grassy, it's all red dirt! RED dirt! Oh and Katrina's brother brought they're dog with them, a puppy mind you, and those two went to town! Digging, rolling around, play wrestling, and just running around. Did I mention the RED dirt and Stella being pure white!?! Tomorrow I'm going to be giving her a bath, so I'll have to get some before and after pictures for you guys to see.
Well I think that that's all for tonight. I'm going to bed now, and I won't be awake for quite a while. Goddnight!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I manteca this wekend.
I'm in Manteca Ca this weekend. It's Katrina's birthday so we're at her parents house just hanging out.
So lets see. Thursday we had ESPN show up at work. They were doing a piece on Steve Fosset. We gave them some gallon zip lock bags as sick sacks. When they came back there was on and a half bags full. SO TWO AND A HALF GALLONS OF PUKE!
Thursday night we had BJ Hill, the guy that's walking across America, stay at our house. That was fun. We played Wii tennis and just hung out. Then Friday we spent most of the day putting together a cart he can use to pull a bunch of water and food around.
I've been wanting to get a Harley. Katrina's Dad and I are going to the Harley shop to "look". Actually drool. We'll see what happens by the end of the year.
Alright I guess we're off...
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Lost and Found! No Wait Just Lost.
I've been looking for my hat for the last week (off and on that, is). And I can't find it anywhere!!!! Super Frustrating!
On a lighter side we just got back from hanging out with that guy BJ Hill, the one that's doing that walk, across America. It was really fun. He'll be here tomorrow night and most of the day Friday. We also met Edward. I'm hoping that, that's his name(I know it's Ed for sure just not sure which version it is). We spent like an hour talking comics, so they're O.K. in my book.
A.t.C. update! I added the "wheels" today. Katrina gave me some pencils to mutilate, so now my little bot has a means of getting around! Now if only he had his brains and internal organs where they should be... Oh well, should have the part that I'm waiting on by next week Friday, hopefully sooner. Until then he'll have to stay the way he is.
Hmmm. Now I'm torn between getting a new Cubs hat or parts for another robot. We shall see at the end of the month.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
So here I am again waiting for Katrina to come home with no one to talk to. I'm waiting for an episode of The Office to load and listening to Daft Punk. I got Katrina's present today. I guess I could be rapping the gift instead of blogging. In due time. I'd tell you what I got her but seeing that she's probably the only one that reads this I won't.
Katrina's birthday is Saturday and we're going to Manteca CA this weekend. The only thing that could throw it off is the fact that we have this guy staying at our house on either Thursday or Friday night. He's walking across America. Here's his blog. BJ Hill. I think that he's crazy but that's just me being a little envious. I kinda wish I could travel America like that only on a skate board. Wouldn't that be cool? Carving the Rockies? Dodging Cars? Uh on second thought. I'll just wait for retirement and the big RV that awaits. I'll see the country that way.
I'm tempted to watch Beauty and the Geek, without Katrina, but I know she'd be pissed. I like that show cause it reminds me of my life. I'm of course the geek. Hey speaking of robots! I found this cool bot that I want to make. Hider!. It's a beam bot with many functions. Like searching for light but if a loud noise is heard it runs away into the shadows. I'd make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and it would have solar panels to charge the batteries (in other words give it a purpose to sit in the sun light).
Oh last thought before I sign off. Go see Disney and Pixar's Walle. I'll let you all decide what your thoughts are on the movie but, I think it looks really good!
Ok well good night!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thoughts for the Future
So I was thinking tonight and wanted to get this out before I went to sleep....
I'm not sure with what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love aviation and I love tinkering with robots. I was kind of kicking the idea around of going back to school to get a robotic engendering degree. Also for the past week I've been tossing this one around, joining the Air Force. Not to make a career out of it but to get practical application out of my A&P license. Plus some of the benefits like nullifying my student loans, free housing or at least c.o.l.a., Medical and being able to shop on the base tax free. I want to talk to a recruiter about this but first my Dad. The kicker for me will be if I'm able to work on U.A.V.'s like the Raptor. Wiki link to U.A.V.'s
That's all. Let me know what you all think. I know that this will be a huge decision, so all input would be great.
Good night.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Happy Saint Patricks Day
Just in case you didn't know....
So my day wasn't that bad. My boss tried to blame me for something that I didn't do. Which I stood up for myself. Even though he didn't say it in any particular way I think he saw my side. Other than that work was boring.
I'm at home right now, watching Paddy Whacked: The Irish Mob. Kind of interesting. The Irish Mob was the first in America. I'm also waiting for Katrina to come home. She went out to look for a dress for her brothers wedding. She's in it and so, yeah that explains that.
Hmmmm, what else? I had a few things that I thought about at work that I wanted to share. Well I've made another addition to A.t.C. , wheels! I was going to go with cork for wheels but I couldn't mount them to the motors. My idea, which I can't really claim as my own, is to use pencil erasers. They seem like they'll stay a bit better and have more grip to them. Now if I can only get Katrina to part with some penicls....
Oh yeah! I recently found out that one of my either uncles or cousins (great, great, great... well you get the idea.) is Joseph Warren. He was a general during the American Revolution. He also sent Paul Revere on his famous ride through out Boston.
Katrina just walked through the door with dinner, so I'm going to leave it at that.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
JC Comic book Star!
So last night we went to a Bible study. Which was fun but a little weird cause it was our first time there, and we didn't know any of the people there. But turns out that it was a lot of fun. Plus it kinda jump started me on God again. Which was nice cause I've feel like I've been lacking.
So anyway through out the discussion I kept thinking about a comic I had just recently read. First let me tell you what we were talking about. Easter is coming up so we were talking about the three crosses and the attitude each one of them represents. The cross of the thief who was insulting Jesus, represents the cross of rejection. The cross of acceptance was represented by the thief who asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom. While Jesus' cross represented the redemption which we all need to come too.
The one that I kinda focused on was the first one. I guess what got me going was the question of how can someone be so arrogant or prideful that even at death he was following the crowd. Someone brought up the question of dealing with pride and fighting pride with humility. Well this is what got my mind thinking about this comic that I read, A green lantern comic!
Well this one was about the first Green Lantern, Jong Li. He was a monk who was brought up to be a servant and humble. Well, when his temple is destroyed he's the only survivor. That night he's given a power ring and is turned into a Green Lantern. Well he goes on a tour of the country side acting like Robin Hood. Well his ego overtakes his humbleness to the point that he decides to take on the evil Emperor with out his ring to prove himself worthy of the ring. Eventually he overtakes the Emperor and sets up a new better Emperor. I kinda saw this as a metaphor for spiritual warfare. Choosing to put aside what feeds our egos and fight with what God has given us.
I know, I know I'm a super nerd. But that's how I relate things. If you want to check out the comics it's called Dragon Lords by DC comics. The verses that were talked about were Luke 23:39-46. So yeah I'm a nerd/geek plus a Christan. Take it or leave it that's who I am. O.K. so yeah that's enough for today.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Robot Workshop
So yesterday I spent most of the day building a robot. Actually a BEAMbot. Heres the wikipedia link. I've built only one before and it was a kit that I got from I call him patches cause I had to cover one of his "eyes" with modeling clay to get the proper behavior out of him. That was until I realized that I could get the same result by messing with the 100k pot. Here's a picture of 'Patches'. Cute hunh?
This new robot it a "herbie" type. It chases light but with out the solar panel. Also when I get done with it it will have an object avoidance circuit built in. In other words when it runs into something it will back up and then go on its way. O.K. I keep calling it, "it", well last night I came up with a name.... A.t.C. . The robots body is an Altoids tin/can, so A.t.= Altoids and C.= Can. I thought it was clever. Last night I got to the point that I have to wait for the part I ordered to come through the mail.
So here's what I have so far. That's the inside, with what I was able to get finished.
That little black speck is the "brains" of the robot. Hehe I got to do brain surgery last night.
This is what it will look like, for the most part, when I'm done.
So yeah I should get my order by Friday, so I should have A.t.C. done by the following Friday. I'll keep pictures so you can see my progress. Also I ordered another kit when I bought the piece that I'm waiting for. Why pay $6 for shipping on a $3 part right? So I'll also be building a solar roller. Here's the kit. Solarroller Kit #2 I'll keep you all updated with progress on that one too.
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Hey my name is Josh Welch. I've decided to start this for a couple of reasons. One my wife has one and I don't want the online community to just get her side of things. ;-)Second I have a myspace(I promise that this will be the only time I'll bring it up.) and that's more fun for me. This will be a little more serious, O.K. well not serious but more along the lines of more interesting for you all to read.
So let me dive into a little about who I am. I'm a 22 year old married man, (well not quite a man and not quite a boy so I'll let you decide.) more of a nerd. I'm an Aircraft Mechanic who loves what I do. And I call Carson City, Nevada home. I'll try to update either whenever it comes to mind to do so or once a week, which ever comes first.
All right the now that the ice has been broken, see you later!
Posted by Josh "Juice" Welch at 1:05 PM 0 comments